I do not need naming those people

people spoke:
-You do not have talent
-That is not going to sell
-What the hell is this
-That is not gonna work

The North American film producer was the creator of Mickey Mouseand Disneyland. Early in his career, he was fired from the KansasCity Star Newspaper because, according to his publisher, he had no imagination and no good ideas.
His first animation company "Laugh-O-Grams" failed. Then moved to California with his brother where he was recognized in Hollywoodafter making a hit with "Alice Comedies". Today, the Disney brandinvoice too much money on toys, movies and theme parks.

Recognized as one of the best basketball players of all time and starof the NBA, Michael Jordan had his career marked by the ability toscore in games.
The basketball player was refused on the school team, Laney High School in Wilmington, North Carolina for his short stature.

The German scientist and physicist Albert Einstein did not speakuntil four years and only started reading after seven. The genie has been expelled from school and his teacher described him as mentally slow and not sociable. And in 1895 did not pass theadmission test of the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule(ETH), it failed in the humanities.
Underestimated in the scientific community during his careerdeveloped the theory of relativity, he won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921 and changed the history of modern physics. Today, his name synonymous with intelligence.

The founder of Ford Motor Company was the first manager to implement the assembly in series in the mass production of cars in the U.S. industry.
During his career, his first company, the Detroit Automobile Company was not successful. His second company also failed and, despite the failure, he persisted.

The author of "Harry Potter" was a teacher and dreamed of the profession as a writer. The manuscript of "Harry Potter Sorcerer's Stone" was rejected by several publishers until in 1996, Bloomsbury Publishing decided to publish the book.
She was named by Queen Elizabeth as "Officer of the Order of theBritish Empire," joined the list of billionaires by Forbes magazineand, until today, reaping the fruits with the saga of the warlock.

The rock band from Liverpool is one of the most successful in history.John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starrhave influenced generations of people and music with their songs.
But starting the band was also marked by a rejection of DeccaRecords, where label said that the Beatles had no future in show business. After this, the band signed with EMI producer andBeatlemania spread in the United States and became one of thebest bands in history.