Brief History of Advertising in American TV

Advertising was the main reason why the owners of radio stations have invested in the development of television, which was created to absorb the excess of radio programs advertisers. As a result, the television production was nothing more than an 'excuse' to sell commercial space. To date the advertising is the main reason why a program is produced for PBS. Over the years emerged a relationship of 'love-hate' among advertisers, executives, producers and the public, because of the influence that advertising has had, and somehow still carries on content developed by each program.

Between 1946 and 1964, advertising agencies practically determined what would be displayed. His influence on the content undermined the legitimacy of the vehicle by the critics and intellectuals. Something that until now PBS has not yet won. Some titles produced 'here and there' can establish a level that puts them in a position of legitimacy, but the vehicle continues to be disregarded. Currently, it is the cable that holds the respect of the intellectual milieu of society.

The first TV commercial aired on 1 July 1941, when the FCC, the agency that oversees television content, officiated at the beginning of transmissions in the country. Lasting 20 seconds, the Bulova watch company announced the start of American TV programming at a cost of $ 9.00 dollars. Throughout the night, other businesses, the average cost of $ 100 each, were shown to an audience of about 4,500 viewers.

Each advertisement had an average duration of one minute, and the few programs that were displayed (fiction, news and games) also brought its content product announcements. During that time appeared in TV commercials with narrative documentary, explaining to the public the qualities of the product and its origins. This type of trade reached last about five to seven minutes.

By the year 1964, the structure was divided between the purchase of commercial spaces, sponsorship of specific programs and advertising within programs. A company could buy a time on television, which was divided into blocks of half-hour or an hour, through a quota system. Thus, the sponsors could choose the type of program that would be displayed at that time or the content of the program aired. They could also blame the disclosure of competing products while viewing a program. The situation reached a point when we are avoided lest they be confused with competitive products.

The series or program became a sponsor's product, which could appear in the title such as "Colgate Comedy Hour," a comedy. The domain that was advertising on the content of the vehicle reached the point of emerging independent companies that were intended to produce series and comedy, advertisers chase and sell the product for a TV channel with advertisers already guaranteed. With this practice, advertising agencies like Screem Gems were transformed into producers.