Next idea Donald  Dumb.

-I will drive out the superman of America !

I am going to build a glass bubble that separates the America of universe! Facebook Twitter Addthis


At heart of liberty,there is only courage.
Phoenix is reborn ever more strong!
Elementary, my dear Watson
If single women complain that good men are married, and married women always complain about their husbands, this proves the following: there are no good men.

Global Warming

This wolf is not a supermodel!
I want this McDonald 's!

If you do not have the ability to open your mind, please feel free to close the mouth.


All built with imagination is perfect, and indestructible.

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Never give up

                                     Alcohol does not solve every problem, but so what?
                  The milk also does not solve  problem!

Never lower your head to anyone, nor lift the nose too high.
Eye to eye is enough.

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.
If A is success, then A equals X plus Y Z more Work is X, Y is leisure, and Z is keep your mouth shut.

Contains Differences



We should not resisitir the temptations: they can not return.

yes, there are stupid people.

yes, there are stupid people.

Tears Should turn ink.
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Sometimes we absorb thing  bad for the soul,we have to throw up. Facebook Twitter VKontakte Tumblr LinkedIn Pinterest Addthis


Love only serves to fuck, in both directions.

"Even though it's hard, do not give up, it's you who makes it happen."
The lie mirror for me ,i am much more beautiful.
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Your thoughts are simple,abstract and complex.Are infinite their dreams
You expect sometimes touch you,you feel.
Feel the lights ,the stars.I feel my heart my spirit back to me.
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